One Day, All Children...

One Day, All Children...

Title: One Day, All Children...
Author: Wendy Kopp
Release: 2008-08-04
Kind: ebook
Genre: Education, Books, Professional & Technical, Biographies & Memoirs
Size: 486827
From her dorm room at Princeton University, twenty-one-year-old college senior Wendy Kopp decided to launch a movement to improve public education in America. In One Day, All Children... , she shares the remarkable story of Teach For America, a non-profit organization that sends outstanding college graduates to teach for two years in the most under-resourced urban and rural public schools in America. The astonishing success of the program has proven it possible for children in low-income areas to attain the same level of academic achievement as children in more privileged areas and more privileged schools.

One Day, All Children… is not just a personal memoir. It's a blueprint for the new civil rights movement--a movement that demands educational access and opportunity for all American children.

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Teach For America, Steven Farr, Jason Kamras & Wendy Kopp