Detective Comics (2016-) #1000

Detective Comics (2016-) #1000

Title: Detective Comics (2016-) #1000
Author: Geoff Johns, Dennis O'Neil, Brian Michael Bendis, Paul Dini, Priest, Warren Ellis, Tom King, Scott Snyder, Kevin Smith, Peter J. Tomasi, James Tynion IV, Kelley Jones, Steve Epting, Dustin Nguyen, Neal Adams, Alex Maleev, Doug Mahnke, Tony S. Daniel, Joëlle Jones, Greg Capullo, Jim Lee, Becky Cloonan, Alvaro Martinez Bueno, Amanda Conner, Jason Fabok & Mikel Janin
Release: 2019-03-27
Kind: ebook
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels, Books
Size: 82278253
After 80 years, it�s here-the 1,000th issue of DETECTIVE COMICS, the title that literally defines DC! This 96-page issue is stacked with an unbelievable lineup of talent that will take you on a journey through Batman�s past, present and a sensational epilogue that features the first-ever DC Universe appearance of the deadly Arkham Knight! But who is under the mask? And why do they want Batman dead? The incredible future of Batman adventures begins here!

More Books from Geoff Johns, Dennis O'Neil, Brian Michael Bendis, Paul Dini, Priest, Warren Ellis, Tom King, Scott Snyder, Kevin Smith, Peter J. Tomasi, James Tynion IV, Kelley Jones, Steve Epting, Dustin Nguyen, Neal Adams, Alex Maleev, Doug Mahnke, Tony S. Daniel, Joëlle Jones, Greg Capullo, Jim Lee, Becky Cloonan, Alvaro Martinez Bueno, Amanda Conner, Jason Fabok & Mikel Janin

J. Michael Straczynski, Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Brian Azzarello, Shane Davis, Jim Lee & Adam Kubert
Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Joe Bennett, Keith Giffen & Ruy José
Geoff Johns & Andy Kubert
Geoff Johns, Carlos Pacheco & Ethan Van Sciver
Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis & Phil Jimenez
Geoff Johns & Jim Lee
Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns & Jim Lee
Geoff Johns, Gary Frank & Brad Anderson
Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Gene Ha & David Finch
Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Judd Winick, Phil Jimenez, Ivan Reis, Rags Morales, Jesús Saíz & Ed Benes
Geoff Johns & Jim Lee
Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns, Andy Kubert & Sandra Hope
Geoff Johns & Andy Kubert
Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Paul Pelletier & Tony Daniel
Geoff Johns, Jim Lee & Carlos D'Anda
Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver
Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis & Doug Mahnke
Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke, Ed Benes & Marco Marz
Geoff Johns & Jim Lee
Geoff Johns, George P�rez & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons, Peter J. Tomasi, Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason & Ethan Van Sciver
Geoff Johns, Gary Frank & Ethan Van Sciver
Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
Geoff Johns, J.M. DeMatteis, Jeff Lemire, Ray Fawkes, Jim Lee, Ivan Reis, Mikel Janin, Doug Mahnke & Daniel Sampere
Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns & David Finch
Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns, Gene Ha & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver
Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Gary Frank & Adam Kubert
Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok
Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, David Finch & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke & Ivan Reis
Geoff Johns & Jim Lee