Molecular Imaging Primer

Molecular Imaging Primer

Title: Molecular Imaging Primer
Author: Sanjiv S. Gambhir
Release: 2013-06-04
Kind: ebook
Genre: Medical, Textbooks, Professional & Technical, Medicine, Radiology
Size: 128873724
This primer introduces clinicians and researchers to the expanding field of Molecular Imaging (MI) of living subjects. Students at all levels (e.g., undergraduates, graduates, medical students, residents, post-doctoral fellows, as well as research scientists) who are entering the field, or are already in the field but needing a booster shot, should find this book useful. Where past imaging was directed at the gross physical and anatomical levels, MI is shifting imaging to the molecular and cellular levels, opening up new pathways of discovery to expand MI applications in basic science research, and clinical diagnosis and treatment.

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