Title | : | The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #12 |
Author | : | Devin Grayson, Klaus Janson, Chris Renaud, Rick Burchett, Kelley Puckett, Mark Martin, Alex Maleev & Marcos Martin |
Release | : | 2014-03-19 |
Kind | : | ebook |
Genre | : | Comics & Graphic Novels, Books, Graphic Novels |
Size | : | 29722100 |
Bruce Wayne hires some gangsters to help rescue people trapped by the earthquake. Ra's al Ghul tries to determine the best way to take advantage of the earthquake while the Penguin tries to take advantage of the earthquake by winning favors from trapped victims. Robin helps rescue a person trapped under some rubble; and some crooked cops who try to turn in Two-Face to the police have the tables turned on them. 'Cataclysm' part 10. |