Essentials of Homeopathic Medicine

Essentials of Homeopathic Medicine

Title: Essentials of Homeopathic Medicine
Author: Timothy Fior, M.D. & Francine Burke, D.C.
Release: 2017-06-03
Kind: ebook
Genre: Medical, Textbooks, Professional & Technical
Size: 215233734
This books discusses the art of taking a complete homeopathic case history and then delves into the intricacies of homeopathic case analysis, repertorization and case management. These are the cornerstones of any successful homeopathic practice.  Then the study of homeopathic materia medica is begun by covering 13 major polychrest remedies in detail. There are numerous case examples for practice. Overall this book is an excellent introduction to the practice of homeopathic medicine.

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