One Sees or Understands Only When the Mind Is Quiet: Eight Public Meetings, The Netherlands, 1967 (Unabridged)

One Sees or Understands Only When the Mind Is Quiet: Eight Public Meetings, The Netherlands, 1967 (Unabridged)

Title: One Sees or Understands Only When the Mind Is Quiet: Eight Public Meetings, The Netherlands, 1967 (Unabridged)
Author: Jiddu Krishnamurti
Release: 2016-02-01
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Business & Personal Finance
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One Sees or Understands Only When the Mi Jiddu Krishnamurti
To look without a concept is to be aware of the observer and the thing observed. 20 May 1967. Duration: 88 minutes. Violence and sorrow are not limited to the West or the East; they are parts of the human structure psychologically.

Is it possible to bring about a change radically, a total revolution in the psyche itself, not through time?

The first and last freedoms are when the mind is totally free from concepts and the mechanical process of building a formula.

It is an art to look, which is much more important than any art in the world, any painting, music or book; because when we can look so totally and completely, being directly in contact, there is an ending.

If one has cancer, how can one be free from death?
Where there is pleasure, there is the shadow of pain. 21 May 1967. Duration: 83 minutes.
The whole movement of living, which is relationship, is a movement in action.

What is consciousness? When do you say, 'I am conscious, I am aware, I am attentive'?

Is there actually a division between the conscious and the unconscious, or it is a total movement, operating all the time?

The mind that pursues pleasure must inevitably invite its opposite, which is pain. The two go together; they are not separate.

If you love your own child, your attention to your child is fairly complete, bu tif you are a teacher you cannot give attention to all the students.
Is it possible to renew the mind? 24 May 1967. Duration: 81 minutes.
When the mind is living through imagination and thought, it is incapable of living in the complete fullness of the present.

Thought has created time - not chronological time but psychological time. That is, 'I will be', 'I should be'.

Is it possible for the brain to be quiet, to give an interval between the old and the new? This interval is the timeless nature in which thought cannot possibly enter.

That which has continuity is repetitive, which is time. It's only when time comes to an end that there is something new taking place.

To die every day to every problem, every pleasure, and not carry over any problem at all; so the mind remains tremendously attentive, active, clear.

Since love is not desire or pleasure, how does one come upon it?

Is the feeling of responsibility a part of the order and discipline you were talking about?

Why don't people get angry with what you are saying?

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