Title | : | The Good Sister: A Twisty, Dark Psychological Thriller That Will Have You Gripped (Unabridged) |
Author | : | Jess Ryder |
Release | : | 2017-08-17 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | Fiction |
Preview Intro | |||
1 | The Good Sister: A Twisty, Dark Psycholo | Jess Ryder |
There are two sides to every secret. When her beloved father dies, Josie is devastated to uncover a secret life he has led with another family: another house, another woman, and a half sister, Valentina. Born in the same week, in the same hospital, they look so physically alike they could be mistaken for twins. But the similarities end there.... Josie is sweet and reserved, a counsellor with the perfect boyfriend and the perfect life. Valentina is damaged and reckless, and she always gets what she wants. But what she wants is Josie's life, and she'll stop at nothing until she has it. A tense, pause-resisting story that will keep you listening into the night. Perfect for fans of Louise Jensen, Claire Douglas, and Sue Fortin. |