A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 1 (Unabridged)

A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 1 (Unabridged)

Title: A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 1 (Unabridged)
Author: Manly P. Hall, William Butler Yeats, Helena. P. Blavatsky, Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Arthur Edward Waite, Isaac Newton & William Wynn Westcott
Release: 2017-09-07
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
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A Collection of Writings Related to Occu Manly P. Hall, William Butler Yeats, Helena. P. Blavatsky, Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Arthur Edward Waite, Isaac Newton & William Wynn Westcott
This is a collection of 18 essays on a variety of occult-themed topics, covering the full spectrum of classic esoteric and related subjects, which include hermeticism, alchemy, magic, the Kabbalah, ancient wisdom and philosophy, the Tarot, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Theosophy and spiritualism, by some of the most notable and prominent names in the history of those subjects. Compiled specifically with the student in mind. The contents include:

01. "The Human Body in Symbolism" by Manly P. Hall

02. "The Body of Father Christian Rosencreutz" by William Butler Yeats

03. "The Kabbalah of Masonry" by William Wynn Westcott

04. "Spiritual Progress" by Helena P. Blavatsky

05. "The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists" by Paracelsus

06. "Instructions on Crystal Gazing" by L. W. de Laurence

07. "Mystical Realization" by Arthur Edward Waite

08. "Keynote of the Rosicrucian Teachings" by Max Heindel

09. "The Magical Evocation of Apollonius of Tyana" by Eliphas Levi

10. "Simon Magus" by Jules Doinel

11. "The Emerald Tablet" translated by Isaac Newton

12. "The Reality of the Astral Plane" by C. W. Leadbeater

13. "What Is the Tarot?" by P. D. Ouspensky

14. "The Importance of Ceremonial Magic" by Arthur Edward Waite

15. "The Golden Verses of Pythagoras" by Pythagoras

16. "The Legend of the Holy Grail and Its Connection with Templars and Freemasons" by Arthur Edward Waite

17. "Alchemy of the Rosicrucians" by Jerome A. Anderson

18. "Initiation, the Ancient Mysteries and the Dionysiac Artificers" by Albert G. Mackey

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Manly P. Hall, William Butler Yeats, Helena. P. Blavatsky, Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Arthur Edward Waite, Isaac Newton & William Wynn Westcott
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Manly P. Hall, Paul Foster Case, Eliphas Levi, William Wynn Westcott, Helena. P. Blavatsky, Franz Hartmann, Seth Pancoast, Sarah F. Gordon, Albert G. Mackey, J.D. Buck, C. Jinarajadasa, Bernard Fielding & William Q. Judge
Manly P. Hall, Nicholas Flamell, Helena. P. Blavatsky, Arthur Edward Waite, R. W. Machell, Bernhard Pick, Albert G. Mackey, Hargrave Jennings, Ralph Shirley & C. W. Leadbeater
Eliphas Levi, William Wynn Westcott, Franz Hartmann, Manly P. Hall, Helena. P. Blavatsky, Joseph Fort Newton, William Q. Judge, Arthur Edward Waite, C. W. Leadbeater, Lydia Bell, C. Jinarajadasa, Henry T. Edge & Seth Pancoast
Frater Achad, Eliphas Levi, Karl Eckartshausen, Edgar A Russell, Silas H. Shepherd, Robert Longfield, Manly P. Hall, Arthur Edward Waite & William Wynn Westcott