Title | : | Scorched Earth: The Horus Heresy Series (Unabridged) |
Author | : | Nick Kyme |
Release | : | 2024-11-01 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Preview Intro | |||
1 | Scorched Earth: The Horus Heresy Series | Nick Kyme |
Massacred, broken, their primarch lost, the Salamanders scour the killing fields for any sign of their liege - but they are being hunted, and carry their own dangers with them as well. Hear the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre as the Salamanders search desperately for any sign of Vulkan. Get into the heads of Space Marines who may have just lost their primarch as they take revenge on the traitors - and discover things about themselves and their allies that they might wish they hadn't. Look out as well for the first appearance of a phrase that will resonate throughout the Horus Heresy...Vulkan lives. |