The Poetry of England Volume 1

The Poetry of England Volume 1

Title: The Poetry of England Volume 1
Author: William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, William Blake & William Wordsworth
Release: 2014-01-01
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Fiction
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The Poetry of England Volume 1 William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, William Blake & William Wordsworth
The English language has grown into the Worlds pre-dominant spoken language. It’s estimated there are over one million words with which to do this. It’s sources are rich and diverse, absorbing from other cultures and times without hesitation. It surely follows that when we add the talents of Shakespeare, Keats, Shelley, Kipling and Blake to a myriad of others that its beauty and reach entrance us with their thoughts and visions. In two volumes these remarkable poems present a wonderful companion through the long heritage of the English Language and its poets. The poems in volume 1 are; English Poetry - An Introduction; The Passionate Shepherd To His Love - Christopher Marlowe; The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships - Christopher Marlowe; Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day (Sonnet 18) - William Shakespeare; Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds - William Shakespeare; To Celia - Ben Jonson; On My First Son - Ben Jonson; The Good Morrow - John Donne; Witchcraft By A Picture - John Donne; On Shakespeare - John Milton; On The Morning Of Christ’s Nativity - John Milton; To His Coy Mistress - Andrew Marvell; A True Born Englishman - Daniel Defoe; A Song For St Cecilia's Day - John Dryden; from The Rape Of The Lock - Alexander Pope; Summer - Alexander Pope; Elergy Written In A Country Churchyard - Thomas Gray; The Lamb - William Blake; The Tiger - William Blake; How Sweet I Roam'd From Field To Field - William Blake; Composed Upon Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth; Daffodils - William Wordsworth; September 1819 - William Wordsworth; Frost At Midnight - Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Work Without Hope - Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley; Ode To The West Wind - Percy Bysshe Shelley; Short Extract From Prometheus Unbound - Percy Bysshe Shelley; I Am - John Clare; Ode To A Nightingale - John Keats; Ode To Autumn - John Keats

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