Title | : | The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Classic Novel: The Crux: (Annotated) with a Study of Themes (Unabridged) |
Author | : | Charlotte Perkins Gilman |
Release | : | 2024-09-10 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | Classics |
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1 | The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Classic Nov | Charlotte Perkins Gilman |
Unique to this title is: A study of the themes present in The Crux You may of course skip it and go straight to the main title if you do not want any spoilers and come back later to the beginning. Charlotte Perkins was born in 1860 in Connecticut. When she was a child, her father abandoned his wife and children, and she spent the rest of her childhood in poverty. Since her mother was not able to support the family, her aunts played a big part in her upbringing. Her schooling was erratic and she attended seven different schools in just four years, finishing when she was 15. To prevent her children from getting hurt as she had been, her mother forbade them to make strong friendships or read fiction. Despite that, Gilman spent a lot of time in the local library studying ancient civilizations on her own. The Crux tells the story of a group of New England women who move west to start a boardinghouse for men in Colorado. It is an important early feminist work that brings forward complicated issues of gender, citizenship, eugenics, and frontier nationalism. Enjoy this timeless classic! |