Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms

Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms

Title: Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms
Author: Martin Luther
Release: 2021-05-17
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
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Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechis Martin Luther
Help catechism students dig deeper. As readers learn Martin Luther's foundational teachings in the Small Catechism, this volume will encourage them to go further in their doctrinal knowledge by studying the Large Catechism.

Written by Luther in 1529, the Small and Large Catechisms provide a clear summary of God's Word on the essentials of the Christian faith. This edition combines the two catechisms and includes the woodcuts found in Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions.

Lutherans from confirmation age on up will want this standard reference edition in their libraries. The book makes a great gift for pastors and students.