Marvelous Maxx and the Hidden Peanut / Maravilloso Maxx y el cachuate oculto (Spanish-English Bilingual Edition): Los niños aprenden nuevas palabras prácticas, vocabulario, medicina y primeros auxilios (Unabridged)

Marvelous Maxx and the Hidden Peanut / Maravilloso Maxx y el cachuate oculto (Spanish-English Bilingual Edition): Los niños aprenden nuevas palabras prácticas, vocabulario, medicina y primeros auxilios (Unabridged)

Title: Marvelous Maxx and the Hidden Peanut / Maravilloso Maxx y el cachuate oculto (Spanish-English Bilingual Edition): Los niños aprenden nuevas palabras prácticas, vocabulario, medicina y primeros auxilios (Unabridged)
Author: John Higgins & Catherine Higgins
Release: 2024-07-02
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Kids & Young Adults
Preview Intro
Marvelous Maxx and the Hidden Peanut / M John Higgins & Catherine Higgins
It’s International Food Day at school, yum! Oh no! Lucas starts having a major allergic reaction!

Can Maxx and their teacher, Ms. Ori, help? Will Lucas be OK?

Can Doctor Z. figure out the mystery of the hidden peanut??

Es el Día Internacional de la Alimentación en la escuela, ¡yum! ¡Oh, no! ¡Lucas empieza a tener una gran reacción alérgica!

¿Pueden Maxx y su profesora, la Sra. Ori, ayudarle? ¿Se pondrá bien Lucas?

¿Podrá la Doctora Z descubrir el misterio del cacahuate oculto?

Are you looking for a fun way to teach your child new words? Then you are in the right place!

Perfect for young learners! Bonus—they learn some first aid too!

¿Busca una forma divertida de enseñar a su hijo o hija nuevas palabras? Entonces está en el lugar adecuado.

¡Es perfecto para los más pequeños! Y además, ¡aprenden primeros auxilios! 

With all the fun of an amazing adventure, Marvelous Maxx and the Hidden Peanut is sure to capture the hearts and minds of children and adults alike. You won't just enjoy the story, you will feel a part of it and learn a lot!

Created by a Harvard-trained teacher to educate and inspire, children will love learning awesome new words and powerful first aid, through the adventures of a group of children—Maxx, Arielle, Ethan, and Lucas—in a colorful journey.

Each new word is defined in simple language your child can understand, and listed in a glossary at the end, e.g.:

“Your mom’s egg rolls are exquisite!"

"‘Exquisite’ is a fancy word for very special.

Repeat after me: ek-skwi-zit."

"¡Los rollitos de huevo de tu mamá están exquisitos!"

"'Exquisito' significa muy sabroso.

Repite conmigo: Ex-qui-si-to."

For all those asking "Are there any other Fancy Nancy-type books to teach new words and facts?"

The resounding answer is "YES!" Marvelous Maxx has stepped up to entertain and educate both boys and girls.

The authors were Honorable Mention Winners for Picture Books 6 and Older in the 2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards.

Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish and English.

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John Higgins & Catherine Higgins
John Higgins & Catherine Higgins