Title | : | Fifty Shades of April: 50 of the best poems about the month of April |
Author | : | John Clare, Hafiz, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Robert Browning, Christina Georgina Rossetti, William Shakespeare, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rainer Maria Rilke, William Wordsworth, Jonathan Swift, Wilfred Owen, Emily Dickinson & A. E. Housman |
Release | : | 2019-01-01 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | Fiction |
Preview Intro | |||
1 | Fifty Shades of April: 50 of the best po | John Clare, Hafiz, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Robert Browning, Christina Georgina Rossetti, William Shakespeare, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rainer Maria Rilke, William Wordsworth, Jonathan Swift, Wilfred Owen, Emily Dickinson & A. E. Housman |
The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar historically brings April showers, sunshine, touches of warmth and bursts of colour from tree and land. Buds, blossom, leaves, the great symphony of nature cascades across the landscape. Wildlife has new broods of life to nurture and provide for. 01 - Fifty Shades of April - An Introduction 02 - In April by Rainer Maria Rilke 03 - An April Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 04 - A Rainy Day in April by Francis Ledwidge 05 - April Rain by Mathilde Blind 06 - Here by the Brimming April Streams by Phillip Henry Savage 07 - An April Afternoon by Alexander Anderson 08 - April by Sara Teasdale 09 - On a Nightingale in April by William Sharpe 10 - The Idlers Calender - April - Trout Fishing by William Scawen Blunt 11 - On a Lane in Spring by John Clare 12 - Loveliest Of Trees, The Cherry Now by A E Housman 13 - Sonnet To April by Henry Kirk White 14 - Sonnet VIII - To Spring by Charlotte Smith 15 - Under the April Moon by Bliss William Carman 16 - A Petition To April, Written During Sickness by Susanna Blamire 17 - The Soul of April by Bliss William Carman 18 - The Days of Spring by Hafiz 19 - A Pang Is More Conspicuous in Spring by Emily Dickinson 20 - Easter by Edmund Spenser 21 - A Spring Carol by Christina Georgina Rossetti 22 - Dublin, Easter 1916 by Alice Furlong 23 - April Evening, France, April 1916 by John William Streets 24 - In Memoriam (Easter 1915) by Edward Thomas 25 - April, 1918 by Henry Christopher Bradby 26 - Elegy in April and September by Wilfred Owen 27 - The Easter Flower by Claude McKay 28 - April 1844 by Henry Alford 29 - Sheep and Lambs by Katharine Tynan 30 - Child's Talk in April by Christina Georgina Rossetti 31 - An April Fool by Alfred Austin 32 - The Famous Speech Maker of England or Baron Lovel's Charge at the Assizes at Exon April 5th 1710 by Jonathan Swift 33 - Paul Revere's Ride (The Landlord's Tale) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 34 - Rome - Building a New Street in The Ancient Quarter, April 1887 by Thomas Hardy 35 - Spring in New Hampshire by Claude McKay 36 - April by John Bannister Tabb 37 - Home Thoughts From Abroad by Robert Browning 38 - Stanzas April 1814 by Percy Bysshe Shelley 39 - Over the Lands In April by Robert Louis Stevenson 40 - Spring Morning by A E Housman 41 - Cuckoo Song By Rudyard Kipling 42 - It Was an April Morning Fresh and Clear by William Wordsworth 43 - April by Algernon Charles Swinburne 44 - An April Love by Alfred Austin 45 - Another Song - an extract from Divine Songs and Meditacions by An Collins 46 - Sonnet 98 - From You Have I Been Absent in the Spring by William Shakespeare 47 - So Sweet Love Seemed That April Morn by Robert Seymour Bridges 48 - My April Lady by Henry Van Dyke 49 - Love Like an April Day Beguiles by James Bland Burgess 50 - With A Guitar, To Jane by Percy Bysshe Shelley 51 - The Shepheardes Calendar IV - April by Edmund Spenser |