Title | : | The Covent Garden Ladies : Pimp General Jack & The Extraordinary Story of Harris' List |
Author | : | Hallie Rubenhold |
Release | : | 2019-10-29 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | History |
Preview Intro | |||
1 | The Covent Garden Ladies : Pimp General | Hallie Rubenhold |
The Covent Garden Ladies tells the story of Samuel Derrick, Jack Harris, and Charlotte Hayes, whose complicated and colorful lives were brought together by the publication of Harris's List, an infamous guidebook of prostitutes which detailed addresses, physical characteristics, and "specialties." The true history of the book is a tragicomedy motivated by poverty, passionate love, aspiration, and shame. Its telling plunges the listener down the dark alleys of eighteenth-century London's underworld, a realm populated by tavern owners, pimps, punters, card sharps, and of course, a colorful range of prostitutes and brothel-keepers. |