Harry Harrison: The Repairman

Harry Harrison: The Repairman

Title: Harry Harrison: The Repairman
Author: Harry Harrison
Release: 2023-10-24
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
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Harry Harrison: The Repairman Harry Harrison
This is one of Harry Harrison's marvelous early stories that were published in Galaxy Magazine. The Repairman (1958) is well written and a fun SF story of a man getting a job done when the situation seems stacked against him. As his boss tells him when he tries to wriggle out of working on this latest assignment “According to this document, you can’t quit. Ever. Therefore I have a little job I know you’ll enjoy. Repair job. The Centauri beacon has shut down. It’s a Mark III beacon.…”

“What kind of beacon?” I asked him. I have repaired hyperspace beacons from one arm of the Galaxy to the other and was sure I had worked on every type or model made. But I had never heard of this kind.

“Mark III,” the Old Man repeated, practically chortling. “I never heard of it either until Records dug up the specs. They found them buried in the back of their oldest warehouse. This was the earliest type of beacon ever built—by Earth, no less. Considering its location on one of the Proxima Centauri planets, it might very well be the first beacon.”

Thus begins an exciting story of a man in the distant future with the frustrating but rewarding job of fixing big problems all over the galaxy. His ingenuity and ability to think out of the box enable him, usually with chewing gum, a piece of string and his ingenuity, to 'fix' almost anything.

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Harry Harrison
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Jack Vance, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Harry Harrison & Ray Bradbury
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Philip K. Dick, Clifford D. Simak, Harry Harrison, Poul Anderson & Robert Sheckley
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Alfred Coppel, Irving Cox, Jr., Harry Harrison, August Derleth, Sol Boren, Lawrence F. Willard, Jack McKenty, Fritz Leiber, Winston Marks, Richard R. Smith, Charles L. Fontenay, Philip K. Dick, Murray Leinster, James Mckimmey, Jr., Ray Bradbury, Paul Ernst, William Morrison, Robert Zacks, John Bernard Daley & James Blish
Harry Harrison
Robert Silverberg, Murray Leinster, Charles L. Fontenay, Philip K. Dick, Lester del Rey, Fredric Brown, Frederik Pohl, Harry Harrison & Algis Budrys
Fredric Brown, Harry Harrison, Joseph Slotkin, Robert Silverberg, Lawrence F. Willard, Edward W. Ludwig, Jack McKenty, Lyman D. Hinckley, Frederik Pohl, Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, William Morrison, Richard O. Lewis & Alan E. Nourse
Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Harlan Ellison, Harry Harrison, John Wyndham, Robert Sheckley, A. Bertram Chandler, Robert Silverberg, Lester del Rey, Alan E. Nourse, Randall Garrett, Roger D. Aycock, J. F. Bone, Charles E. Fritch, Richard R. Smith, John Victor Peterson, Dick Purcell, Gerda Rhoads, Herbert D. Kastle, Mel Hunter & Dorothy Quick
Harry Harrison
Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Clifford D. Simak, Ray Bradbury, Fritz Leiber, Harlan Ellison, Donald A. Wollheim, Harry Harrison, John Wyndham, Frank M. Robinson, Evan Hunter, J. F. Bone, Charles E. Fritch, Robert F. Young, Dick Purcell, Richard R. Smith, Bryce Walton & Alan K. Lang