Title | : | The Velveteen Rabbit: 100th Anniversary Edition (Unabridged) |
Author | : | Margery Williams |
Release | : | 2024-05-22 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | Kids & Young Adults |
Preview Intro | |||
1 | The Velveteen Rabbit: 100th Anniversary | Margery Williams |
"Once you are real, you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always." We all pretend from time to time. Driven by a desire to create or maintain a certain image, we pretend to be more or different than who we actually are. We seem more interested in pretending to live interesting lives than actually living interesting lives. One hundred years ago, Margery Williams saw the human condition so clearly that her story, The Velveteen Rabbit, has been embraced more with every passing generation. Perhaps that is because our need to become real has grown greater with each year. |