The Other America: A Call for Economic Justice and Unity

The Other America: A Call for Economic Justice and Unity

Title: The Other America: A Call for Economic Justice and Unity
Author: Martin Luther King Jr.
Release: 2025-02-09
Kind: audiobook
Genre: History
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The Other America: A Call for Economic J Martin Luther King Jr.
"The Other America: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Call for Economic Justice and Unity" is a powerful exploration of one of Dr. King’s most urgent and socially critical speeches. Delivered at Stanford University in 1967, The Other America goes beyond the struggle for civil rights and exposes the deep economic and racial inequalities that persist in society. In this audiobook, Dr. King’s vision unfolds against the backdrop of a nation divided—one of prosperity and privilege, the other of poverty and neglect. With a call for economic justice, fair housing, and the dignity of all people, his words remain strikingly relevant today. Featuring historical context, reflections on its modern implications, and a deeper look into King’s philosophy, this audiobook is both a testament to his legacy and a challenge to future generations to continue the fight for equality.

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