Audible Technology Review, November, 2010

Audible Technology Review, November, 2010

Title: Audible Technology Review, November, 2010
Author: Technology Review
Release: 2010-11-01
Kind: audiobook
Genre: News
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Audible Technology Review, November, 201 Technology Review
In this issue, you'll hear how a small group of Web rivals joined forces to save the internet. You'll hear how Google is taking a second shot at thwarting Facebook's dominance over online social networking. You'll learn what the iPad's rivals must overcome in order to have a chance in the marketplace. You'll hear how one of the leading scientists in a new field of biology is using light to control different aspects of behavior. You'll learn the reasons why a global nuclear power renaissance has stalled. And you’ll hear about the long-running controversy over the Cape Wind alternative energy project in Massachusetts.

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