

Title: Inkblot
Author: Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Release: 2015-11-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: General Nonfiction for Young Adults, Books, Young Adult, Biographies for Young Adults, Poetry for Young Adults
Size: 81978057
Inform and engage young writers with this contemporary, creative breakdown of four creative-writing genres poetry, nonfiction, drama, and short stories. Clear, concise text introduces and defines key skills while aligning closely to Common Core State Standards. Fun and inspiring writing prompts launch new skills into practice, while author bios and mentor texts provide creative blueprints for budding writers.

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Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Rebecca Ann Langston-George
Rebecca Ann Langston-George