Title | : | The Shopping Addiction & Living With Ocd |
Author | : | Jeffrey Powell |
Release | : | 2015-12-03 |
Kind | : | ebook |
Genre | : | Self-Improvement, Books, Health, Mind & Body |
Size | : | 346731 |
Shopping Addiction Shopping is a raging phenomenon among developed countries and has been studied over and over. Sociologists say it’s a ‘female drive’, in an attempt to explain the differences in shopping behaviour between men and women. It was said that the same obsession of men over sports can be linked to the way women go crazy on Black Friday sales or on mall openings. In the evolution of man, the male species are known to be ‘hunters’, while women have always been the ‘gatherers’ or the ones who are in charge of finding things for their offspring. Living With OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder is quite a common thing that plagues a lot of people today. It is not an isolated case. You or your loved ones may have it as well. Knowing what you are up against can help you get better equipped for fighting this debilitating battle against your thoughts and actions. |