Wonder Woman (2016-) #1

Wonder Woman (2016-) #1

Title: Wonder Woman (2016-) #1
Author: Greg Rucka & Liam Sharp
Release: 2016-06-22
Kind: ebook
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels, Books, Graphic Novels
Size: 21797440
�THE LIES� Chapter One Why has the Lasso of Truth stopped working for the Amazon Princess? Start down the rabbit hole as dark secrets from Wonder Woman�s past unravel her present! THEY SAID IT: �Drawing Wonder Woman isn�t just drawing a comic, it�s drawing an icon�the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world,� exclaims artist Liam Sharp. �To get to draw her in her 75th year, with a new storyline scribed by no less than Greg Rucka, makes this without a doubt the most important drawing gig of my 30 years in comics.�

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