Urban Climate Challenges In The Tropics: Rethinking Planning And Design Opportunities

Urban Climate Challenges In The Tropics: Rethinking Planning And Design Opportunities

Title: Urban Climate Challenges In The Tropics: Rethinking Planning And Design Opportunities
Author: Rohinton Emmanuel
Release: 2016-03-11
Kind: ebook
Genre: Art & Architecture, Books, Arts & Entertainment
Size: 26465176
Among the places worst hit by climate change are areas of high urban growth in the warm, humid tropics of Asia and Latin America. In these places, the global trend of rapid urbanisation and conditions of local warming compound the effects of climate change. This three-part book explores the unique local climate consequences of urban growth trajectories of tropical cities and provides strategies and design approaches to enhance the quality of life of tropical urban dwellers in the face of urban warming. Part One considers the philosophical basis of the climate challenge in this context and investigates tropical urbanism from the viewpoints of urban activity patterns and the notion of 'thermal pleasure'. Part Two explores specific, practical techniques in enhancing ventilation, shading and greenery as well as the challenges in local climate assessment in the tropics. Part Three explores the barriers and future opportunities for climate-sensitive urban planning and presents specific examples of good practice, contextualized within the wider global debate on adapting to climate change. Urban Climate Challenges in the Tropics is an indispensable companion for planners, designers, architects and students of all levels.Contents: Introduction (Rohinton Emmanuel) Achieving Thermal Pleasure in Tropical Urban Outdoors (Rohinton Emmanuel) Management of Shading and Public Places (Tzu-Ping Lin) Urban Air Ventilation in High-Density Cities in the Tropics (Edward Ng) Vegetation and Climate-sensitive Public Places (Denise H S Duarte) Urban Thermal Comfort in the Tropics (Erik Johansson) Urban Climate Mapping in the Tropics Narein Perera) Urban Climate Modeling: Challenges in the Tropics (Renganathan Giridharan) Urban Exemplars of Climate-sensitive Design (Patricia Drach) Integration of Climate Knowledge in Urban Design and Planning (Gerald Mills)Readership: Planners, designers, architects and advanced undergraduate and graduate students of architecture or planning and environmental management with a focus on the tropics. Places the urban climate amelioration debate within the wider climate change debate Focuses specifically on an important and rapidly urbanizing region (the tropics) Provides practical advice to researchers and practitioners dealing with urban sustainability and climate sensitive design in the tropicsTropical Architecture; Urban Heat Island; Climate Change; Urban Sustainability; Thermal Comfort; Energy Efficiency Key Features: Places the urban climate amelioration debate within the wider climate change debate Focuses specifically on an important and rapidly urbanizing region (the tropics) Provides practical advice to researchers and practitioners dealing with urban sustainability and climate sensitive design in the tropics