Title | : | Puppy Rescue Riddle (Animal Planet Adventure Chapter Book #3) |
Author | : | Animal Planet & Catherine Nichols |
Release | : | 2017-09-05 |
Kind | : | ebook |
Genre | : | Animal Fiction for Kids, Books, Kids, Fiction for Kids, Learning to Read for Kids, Chapter Books for Kids |
Size | : | 50148784 |
ANIMAL PLANET Adventures chapter books present nonfiction information within a familiar narrative format to bring the best of the animal world to young readers. A storm is coming to coastal North Carolina. Amy and Elliott - volunteers at the local dog shelter - have a job to do. The rescued puppies need to get to higher ground, and fast! The kids scramble to get the puppies into their cages, and then the van of volunteers and dogs is on its way. But they are one puppy short. Did it run off in the rain? Is it back at the shelter? An old book, a series of riddles, and a spooky storm all lead to a mystery only the kids can solve. |