Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development / Embryology

Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development / Embryology

Title: Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development / Embryology
Author: Samuel R. Haley
Release: 2018-02-09
Kind: ebook
Genre: MZGenre.Textbooks.ScienceNature.LifeSciences, MZGenre.Textbooks, MZGenre.Textbooks.ScienceNature
Size: 273969062
This laboratory guide is the first in a group of eBooks that comprise the “Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development” (see summary at the end of this description). The manual consists of this laboratory guide and 23 additional eBooks that provide complete serial section sets for various stages of frog (4mm, 7mm, 10mm), chicken (24hr, 33hr, 48hr, 72hr, 96hr) and pig (6mm, 10mm) development. The textual descriptions for the serial transverse sections of these developmental stages that are in this lab guide follow the progress of organ systems in the corresponding serial section eBooks. Labeled selected sections for the various developmental stages in this lab guide were taken from sections in the serial section eBooks. This lab guide is available both as an iBook and a Kindle book. The serial section eBooks are only available as Kindle books and may be found by searching “Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development” at the Amazon Kindle store.
This lab guide (along with the 23 serial section textbooks) comprises a unique digital approach to a subject fundamental to preparation for professional schools in the health sciences. It is a manual of vertebrate embryology, including both text and atlas. It addresses several of the difficulties students encounter in university level courses concerned with this aspect of developmental biology: (1) effective use of a light microscope, (2) visualizing three-dimensional structure while viewing thin, serially sectioned embryos, and (3) applying fundamental physical principles to embryonic body design. It also provides an opportunity to effectively study the material outside of scheduled laboratory hours when slides and microscopes are unavailable. The manual covers reproduction, fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, neurulation, and morphogenesis, with morphogenesis emphasizing seven major organ systems: nervous, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urogenital, skeleto-muscular and endocrine. In addition, this lab guide provides extensive labeled sections of frog, chick, and pig embryos at different stages of development, including labeled whole mounts. Also included are labeled sections of reproductive organs, labeled starfish embryos and larvae, and labeled sections of tooth development. These are the embryos and organs most commonly covered in undergraduate embryology courses oriented toward pre-professional students. Paired with the labeled sections are self-quizzes and keys for students to measure the progress of their learning. Understanding is assisted by a glossary of over 500 terms. The accompanying text will appeal to students with its sometimes-humorous blend of descriptive and integrative content. Throughout the lab guide students are reminded of the role that embryology plays in the study of biology in general, including fundamental physical principles that influence embryonic development. This manual is one the authors wish they had when they were students, and represents their experience teaching the subject at University of Hawai’i (Haley) and Auburn University (Kempf).
This laboratory guide contains,
• 8 Chapters, 39 subsections
• 675+ high quality labeled images
• Numerous self-quizzes
• Illustrations
• Animations
• A 500+ term Glossary
The “Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development” consists of,
…..Guide – Digital Lab Manual for Vertebrate Development / Embryology
.……..Serial Section EBooks:
.………..Frog Development:
…………….4mm Frog Serial Transverse, Sagittal and Frontal Sections
…………….7mm Frog Serial Transverse, Sagittal and Frontal Sections
…………….10mm Frog Serial Transverse, Sagittal and Frontal Sections
.………..Chicken Development:
…………….24hr Chicken Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections
…………….33hr Chicken Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections
…………….48hr Chicken Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections
…………….72hr Chicken Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections
…………….96hr Chicken Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections
………..Pig Development:
.……………6mm Pig Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections
.……………10mm Pig Serial Transverse and Sagittal Sections

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