

Title: BrainFishing
Author: Gary T. Furlong & Jim Harrison
Release: 2018-08-15
Kind: ebook
Genre: Management & Leadership, Books, Business & Personal Finance, Health, Mind & Body, Psychology
Size: 2824457
BrainFishing is the “missing link”, the hands-on, practical guide for professionals looking to forge better agreements and build stronger relationships in difficult and challenging situations. It is the one, slim book that will complete your professional bookshelf.

Designed for anyone who manages, sells, coaches, negotiates, resolves conflict or needs to influence other people, BrainFishing will help you understand and apply questioning skills in new, effective, and creative ways. Filled with examples, stories and exercises to help you put the skills and tools to work immediately, BrainFishing will help change your relationships from the ground up. And there’s the neuroscience behind it all, too!

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