Fate Girls: Aura

Fate Girls: Aura

Title: Fate Girls: Aura
Author: George Saoulidis
Release: 2018-03-27
Kind: ebook
Genre: Coming of Age Fiction for Young Adults, Books, Young Adult, Fiction for Young Adults, Action & Adventure Fiction for Young Adults, Fairy Tales, Myths & Fables for Young Adults, Science Fiction for Young Adults
Size: 561567
Biker Amazons and Celebrity Singers

Sons Of Anarchy meets The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in this coming of age dystopian novel.

When the daughter of Greece's premier singer fails to sing as expected, she finds out about a biker group of women. But will she manage to find the elusive Orosa, the bikers' motovlogger, when all she has to go on are random street-sightings of criminal behaviour, when her family is opposed to her following this path and when her dad's employer wants to keep her as she was for marketing purposes?

Do you want to know what's next for the voiceless Aura? Do you wanna meet the Amazons? Then read this coming of age story in a world where fate is quite literal.

Previously published as, "The Girl Who Twisted Fate's Arm."

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George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis