Arguing for the Deity of the Spirit: Basil of Caesarea

Arguing for the Deity of the Spirit: Basil of Caesarea

Title: Arguing for the Deity of the Spirit: Basil of Caesarea
Author: Basil of Caesarea
Release: 2019-02-14
Kind: ebook
Genre: Christianity, Books, Religion & Spirituality
Size: 2100931
For the first time available to the modern reader, De Spiritu Sancto or Of the Holy Spirit was originally translated twice into Syriac between 4 AD and 7 AD! The most popular of the Greek Fathers, Basil propounds that the Holy Spirit is not a created being but Divine in His own right. The co-divinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is evident in baptism, which is always given in the name of the Trinity. By defining the close relationship among the Persons of the Trinity without negating the Oneness of God, Basil reveals the Unity in and Divinity of all three Persons of the Godhead in ontological communion as opposed to arithmetic relationship, which became foundation for the Council of Constantinople! Historically and Biblically stirring. Exciting reading!

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