Bezna 5 makes an ouroboric move of plunging into itself ('Bezna' in Romanian means consistent darkness + diffuse fear). Bezna 5 is darkly glowing dead thinking, cosmic pessimism, hairy autonomy, limbo sighs, horrendous pink volumes, underground nematodes, happy dismemberment, haunting prehumanism, glowing horror, sinister moods, eternal stillness, future plague, idiot nonknowing and news from Cioran: The Book of Delusions (fragments) Emil Cioran Following the Sigh Nicola Masciandaro Dead Thinking Alina Popa Dead Thinking Florin Flueras The Stillness of Eternity Deanna Khamis The Horrendous Instantiation of a Homogeneous Pink Volume Ben Woodard Digital Dismemberment: Twitter, Death by A Thousand Cuts Amy Ireland Cosmic Pessimism Eugene Thacker A Short History of the Vague Irina Gheorghe Puff. A Rolled Protuberant Mass of Hair Anastasia Jurescu Left Handedness Cosima Opartan The Prehuman Earth Dylan Trigg Underground? In Praise of Gnathostomiasis Francis Russell Glow Baby Glow Stefan Tiron In Darkness Sarah Jones A-Ă-Â Dorothee Neumann From the Under-Chambers of the Mind Aulos Black Golden Skulls Octavian-Liviu Diaconeasa Plagued. The Fear of Theory Mihai Lukacs Praise of Nonknowing Bogdan Drăgănescu |