Science Fiction Short Stories

Science Fiction Short Stories

Title: Science Fiction Short Stories
Author: Andy Sawyer, Edward Ahern, Stewart C Baker, Keyan Bowes, Beth Cato, Sarah Hans, Rob Hartzell, Alexis A. Hunter, Rachael K. Jones, Jacob M. Lambert, Adrian Ludens, Mike Morgan, Kate O'Connor, Conor Powers-Smith, Zach Shephard, David Tallerman, Brian Trent, Patrick Tumblety, Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, M. Darusha Wehm & Nemma Wollenfang
Release: 2016-11-12
Kind: ebook
Genre: Sci-Fi Short Stories, Books, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Science Fiction
Size: 6276518
New Author and collections. A deluxe edition of super-charged, original and classic short stories. Dystopia, Post-Apocalypse, time travel, robots and more this brilliant collection brings together the best of today's writers (many stories previously unpublished), with an eclectic range of science fiction masters including H. Rider Haggard, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Philip Frances Nowlan, Edward Page Mitchell and Jack London. An eclectic collection of SF adventure tales.

New, contemporary and notable writers featured are: Adrian Ludens, Alexis A. Hunter, Beth Cato, Conor Powers-Smith, M. Darusha Wehm, David Tallerman, Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, Kate O'Connor, Mike Morgan, Nemma Wollenfang, Rob Hartzell, Sarah Hans, Patrick Tumblety, Stewart C Baker, Brian Trent, Jacob M. Lambert, Rachael K. Jones, Zach Shephard, Keyan Bowes, and Edward Ahern.

More Books from Andy Sawyer, Edward Ahern, Stewart C Baker, Keyan Bowes, Beth Cato, Sarah Hans, Rob Hartzell, Alexis A. Hunter, Rachael K. Jones, Jacob M. Lambert, Adrian Ludens, Mike Morgan, Kate O'Connor, Conor Powers-Smith, Zach Shephard, David Tallerman, Brian Trent, Patrick Tumblety, Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, M. Darusha Wehm & Nemma Wollenfang

Andy Sawyer, Edward Ahern, Stewart C Baker, Keyan Bowes, Beth Cato, Sarah Hans, Rob Hartzell, Alexis A. Hunter, Rachael K. Jones, Jacob M. Lambert, Adrian Ludens, Mike Morgan, Kate O'Connor, Conor Powers-Smith, Zach Shephard, David Tallerman, Brian Trent, Patrick Tumblety, Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, M. Darusha Wehm & Nemma Wollenfang