Twilight Tales

Twilight Tales

Title: Twilight Tales
Author: Joe Monson, Donna J.W. Munro, Liam Hogan, Victoria Lisowski, Rachel Lewis, Jenean McBrearty, J.D. Robinson, Emily Martha Sorensen, Kelly A. Harmon, Steve Dubois, D.J. Butler, Wendy Nikel, Gustavo Bondoni, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Ralph Benton, Bill Housley, Stephen McQuiggan, Scott R. Parkin, Jude Reid, Michelle Ann King, Dan Wells, Edward Ahern, David J. West, Kirk Eckstine, Joe Vasicek, Mike Munsil, Bob Rehak, Jeanna Mason Stay, S.B. Houghton, Randy Lindsay, Nate Givens & Kary English
Release: 2021-08-10
Kind: ebook
Genre: Horror, Books, Fiction & Literature, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Science Fiction, Sci-Fi Short Stories, Fantasy, Fantasy Short Stories
Size: 7725808
Things that go bump in the night, mysterious portals to other dimensions and places, bones that know who killed them, seductive vegetation, ghosts that have a tale to tell, and even unexplained behavior in the far reaches of the universe. Twilight Tales contains thirty-one stories each taking you just beyond reality, reminiscent of the rich and uneasy stories by A. Merritt or episodes from the classic Twilight Zone television series. 

In honor of Betty Pope, a former librarian at the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University, Twilight Tales contains stories we think she would have loved. Proceeds from this volume support LTUE's continuing missions of educating and helping writers, artists, editors, and other creatives in honing the skills needed to achieve success in the field of speculative fiction.

More Books from Joe Monson, Donna J.W. Munro, Liam Hogan, Victoria Lisowski, Rachel Lewis, Jenean McBrearty, J.D. Robinson, Emily Martha Sorensen, Kelly A. Harmon, Steve Dubois, D.J. Butler, Wendy Nikel, Gustavo Bondoni, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Ralph Benton, Bill Housley, Stephen McQuiggan, Scott R. Parkin, Jude Reid, Michelle Ann King, Dan Wells, Edward Ahern, David J. West, Kirk Eckstine, Joe Vasicek, Mike Munsil, Bob Rehak, Jeanna Mason Stay, S.B. Houghton, Randy Lindsay, Nate Givens & Kary English

Joe Monson, Jaleta Clegg, Kevin J. Anderson, David Farland, Nancy Fulda, Sandra Tayler, Brad R. Torgersen, M. K. Hutchins, Eric James Stone, Eric G. Swedin, Daniel Friend, Emily Martha Sorenson, John M Olsen, James Wymore, Paul Genesse, Wulf Moon, Beth Buck & Julia H. West
Joe Monson, Jonathan Maberry, Esther M. Friesner, Kary English, D.J. Butler, Alex Shvartsman, Cedar Sanderson, Eric James Stone, Brad R. Torgersen, Janci Patterson, Jody Lynn Nye, Gustavo Bondoni, Jaleta Clegg, Leigh Saunders, Michaelbrent Collings, Steve Diamond, Joseph Capdepon II, Lee Allred & Lehua Parker
Joe Monson, Donna J.W. Munro, Liam Hogan, Victoria Lisowski, Rachel Lewis, Jenean McBrearty, J.D. Robinson, Emily Martha Sorensen, Kelly A. Harmon, Steve Dubois, D.J. Butler, Wendy Nikel, Gustavo Bondoni, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Ralph Benton, Bill Housley, Stephen McQuiggan, Scott R. Parkin, Jude Reid, Michelle Ann King, Dan Wells, Edward Ahern, David J. West, Kirk Eckstine, Joe Vasicek, Mike Munsil, Bob Rehak, Jeanna Mason Stay, S.B. Houghton, Randy Lindsay, Nate Givens & Kary English
Joe Monson, Jaleta Clegg, Tristan A. Gilmore, Mark Silcox, Ross Baxter, Jessica Guernsey, Henry Herz, Melva Gifford, Emily Martha Sorensen, D.J. Butler, Ray Daley, James Ivan Hughes, Randy Lindsay, Stewart C Baker, James F. McGrath, Wendy Nikel, James Dorr, Eric G. Swedin, Scott R. Parkin, Jamie Perrault, Ivan Richardson, Michael Young, Staci Olsen & Kevin Wasden
Michael R. Collings, D.J. Butler, Eric James Stone, Wulf Moon, Scott R. Parkin, Jaleta Clegg, Joe Monson, Sarah E. Seeley, Jodi L Milner, D. A. D'Amico, Larry Hodges, Josh Strnad, Kat Farrow, A. J. Rocca, Jarrett Langford, Candice R. Lisle, Gerri Leen, Sanan Kolva, Lauren Lang, Jeff C. Carter, James Ivan Hughes, Berin Lee Stephens, Daniel Craig Friend, Jeremy P. Courville & Steve Dubois
Lehua Parker & Joe Monson
Gustavo Bondoni & Joe Monson
Natalie V. Burton, Miranda Eoff, Jessica Alsop, Cheyenne Ingalls, Jade Davis, Alexiah Barkle, Emma Schaumann & Joe Monson
D.J. Butler, Joe Monson & Callie Butler
Emily Martha Sorensen & Joe Monson
Harriet Stark & Joe Monson
Michael R. Collings & Joe Monson
Jaleta Clegg, Tithi Luadthong & Joe Monson
Lee Allred & Joe Monson