His Unexpected Family

His Unexpected Family

Title: His Unexpected Family
Author: Sae Nanahoshi & Grace Green
Release: 2021-11-09
Kind: ebook
Genre: Romance Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga
Size: 43925825
Kendra returned to her hometown for the first time in nine years with her daughter to inherit her grandfather's estate. When she hired a construction company to renovate the mansion she left behind, she found Brodie, who was famous as a delinquent when he was a child. Kendra, who was raised by her strict grandfather, has mixed feelings about the free-spirited man, both admiration and repulsion. It's best not to get involved with him...lest he learn the sercret of my daughter's birth. Kendra was adamant about keeping her heart closed, but when she learned about Brodie's surprising true nature, her heart began to sway...

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