Title | : | The Anxious Inquirer after Salvation Directed and Encouraged |
Author | : | John Angell James |
Release | : | 2022-02-24 |
Kind | : | ebook |
Genre | : | Christianity, Books, Religion & Spirituality |
Size | : | 1288617 |
For Inquiring Minds Beautifully balanced convictions with practical piety, The Anxious Inquirer after Salvation by James, contains directions for profitable living! James explicitly describes salvation, reasonable and necessary religious impressions, the importance of gaining Scriptural knowledge and divine truths. He discusses the mistakes believers make, the perplexities they could feel and the discouragements they could encounter, besides the natural deceitfulness of the human heart. He cautions against the errors and the consequences, particularly not to accept knowledge, impressions, and partial reformation as genuine conversion. An authentic picture of salvation. |