Reunited...With Child

Reunited...With Child

Title: Reunited...With Child
Author: Katherine Garbera
Release: 2011-04-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance, Romantic Comedies, Fiction & Literature, Literary Fiction, Literary Anthologies, Paranormal Romance, Mysteries & Thrillers, Romantic Suspense
Size: 724254
It had been more than two years since Cam Stern's memorable affair with Becca Tuntenstall. And upon seeing her again, the club owner realized the heat still burned between them. He had to pursue her. This time, he would get to know her better…perhaps even take things beyond the bedroom.

But Becca had been keeping a secret—they had a son. Suddenly Cam's plan was no longer clear. He wanted to be part of his child's life. But was he prepared to forge a relationship with the woman who had deceived him?

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