

Title: Deceived
Author: Jerry B. Jenkins
Release: 2011-12-12
Kind: ebook
Genre: Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults, Books, Young Adult, Fiction for Young Adults, Mysteries for Young Adults, Religious Fiction for Young Adults
Size: 2137909
Once a celebrity takes Nicolae Carpathia’s mark, the stakes are raised to reach those yet undecided. Vicki and the Stateside Young Trib Force must decide if they will risk their lives to help believers held by the Global Community police force. Nicolae Carpathia prepares for another horrific display of terror that sends Israelis and Christ-followers rushing from Jerusalem in search of safety. Follow the Young Trib Force as they try to help others see the truth and struggle to survive the deadly consequences of refusing to obey the world’s most evil ruler.

The events in Deceived parallel those that occur in the bestselling book Desecration.

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