The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.2

The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.2

Title: The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.2
Author: Thomas Manton, Thomas Boston, Gerald Mick, Samuel A. Ward, William Bridge & Hugh Binning
Release: 2012-05-25
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books
Size: 266638
"The Digital Puritan" is a quarterly digest of carefully selected Puritan writings, suitable for personal devotional use or for small group discussion. The focus of each article is typically more practical than theological. The originals have been sparingly edited, generally only to correct typographical errors or make the text more readable. Scripture references (ESV) are embedded in the text as hyperlinks--no wireless connection is needed. This edition contains the following: 1. Man's Utter Inability to Rescue Himself - Thomas Boston 2. How May We Cure Distractions in Holy Duties? - Thomas Manton 3. A Coal from the Altar to Kindle the Holy Fire of Zeal - Samuel Ward 4. The Cure of Discouragements by Faith in Jesus Christ - William Bridge 5. The Beauty and Mystery of Providence - Hugh Binning

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