SWM Searching...

SWM Searching...

Title: SWM Searching...
Author: Justin Perry
Release: 2012-08-23
Kind: ebook
Genre: Romance, Books
Size: 408297
SWM Searching follows John on his quest to find love after he experiences three very bad relationships. John realizes how difficult it is to enter the dating world after being recently divorced, and having a very warped view on how love and relationships actually work. With the help of his friends, sarcastic nature, and ability to work through difficult situations by trying to always see the lighter side, John just might make it in this world. His biggest challenges are dealing with himself, his depression, and lack of self confidence... not to mention, working through his own daydreams and realistic fantasies. If he can find someone, he seriously doubts he will even be able to build up the courage to say "hi." Stay with John on his own path to self discovery, and you may just find something out about yourself. SWM Searching is based on true events.

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Justin Perry
Justin Perry
Justin Perry