An Arke Against a Deluge

An Arke Against a Deluge

Title: An Arke Against a Deluge
Author: Obadiah Sedgwick
Release: 2022-05-22
Kind: ebook
Genre: Christianity, Books, Religion & Spirituality
Size: 708943
You were pleased to appoint a Solemn and Extraordinary Fast, for your united Armies: and since that you have twice desired the Assembly of Divines to Importune God for them: How acceptable all this hath been unto Him, you have experimentally found by the news of our Brethren surprizing of Newcastle (the last week) and the Castle it self (since that) and also by the news of happy successe upon your Armies (neer to Newbery) this week: It is not in vain, Nay it is very good to draw neer to God: No one prayer that gets to heaven is lost: Sometimes divine Wisdome doth take respite, but at this time divine goodnesse made hast: you had scarce begun your prayers, but God prevented you with Answers: Our work on earth is done best, when our work in heaven is done first; you plainly see that God can (and which way he can) provide for his own glory, his peoples safety, and his enemies shame; It is a superlative wisdome to interest our persons in God, and God in our actions: when we have once gained and engaged him, we are then above all the world.

All that I would humbly presse upon you is this: Follow God, what you see him doing, do you the like: his speciall care is for his Church, let yours be so: For my part, my great design shall be, my own Salvation, and the Church and Kingdomes safety: For these we Preach, for these we Pray, for these we Lend, for these we Live, for these we Dye: the God of all mercies Heal these, and Settle these, and ever guide and blesse you for the good of these. This shall be the constant prayer of him, who desires to live no longer then he is a servant to Truth.

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Obadiah Sedgwick
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Obadiah Sedgwick
Obadiah Sedgwick