Title | : | Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League - Wonder Woman (2022-) #1 |
Author | : | Tini Howard, Dan Watters, Leila Del Duca & Brandon Peterson |
Release | : | 2022-09-13 |
Kind | : | ebook |
Genre | : | Comics & Graphic Novels, Books |
Size | : | 53056201 |
THE JUSTICE LEAGUE IS DEAD-LONG LIVE THE JUSTICE LEAGUE! When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost�until now. To power his weapons of war, Pariah has captured each member of the Justice League and trapped them on worlds suited to their every dream and desire�while the planets themselves slowly eat away at their respective inhabitants. As Wonder Woman begins a new chapter in her life, Pariah has uprooted her to a reality he controls-how will the Amazon Princess adapt? Also, Dan Watters and Brandon Peterson combine forces for a noir tale featuring Martian Manhunter! Where there�s life there�s hope, and with that hope comes a deeper unraveling of the tapestry of DCU�s biggest event of 2022! |