

Title: Authority
Author: David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Stephen Charnock, Jeff Pollard, Benjamin B. Warfield, Jean-Marc Berthoud, Arthur W. Pink, John Owen, Richard Baxter, James Renihan & Charles H. Spurgeon
Release: 2023-03-09
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books
Size: 255610
This issue of the FGB presents the theme of Authority. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones announces our world’s desperate need of it. Stephen Charnock mines the Scriptures to display God’s absolute authority, and Jeff Pollard declares that God’s authority is revealed in the infallible, Spirit-breathed Word. In his second article, Dr. Lloyd-Jones takes up the subject of Christ’s authority manifested in His glorious Lordship. Benjamin Warfield describes how Jesus appointed His apostles, who lived and ministered with Him, to write the Gospels and the other New Testament writings. The Lord wanted His gospel call to salvation to spread throughout the world. Jean-Marc Berthoud teaches us about the importance of Christ’s authority in local churches. Now, do pastors, elders, and undershepherds have real authority in Christ’s churches? Arthur Pink clearly affirms and explains the necessity of such authority. In accord with this, elders have the responsibility of preaching God’s authoritative Word to Christ’s blood-bought people, ever setting the beauty and glory of His crucifixion and resurrection before them. Fathers too have authority, and Richard Baxter shows them how to use it to the glory of God and the good of their families. What about civil government? James Renihan shows us from Scripture and the 1689 Confession that magistrates are God’s authorized servants. Finally, C. H. Spurgeon blesses us with a moving declaration of Christ’s authority to save sinners!

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Arthur W. Pink, Wilhelmus à Brakel, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Boston, Thomas Watson, William S. Plumer & Charles H. Spurgeon
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Jeremiah Burroughs, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles H. Spurgeon & Thomas Brooks
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William S. Plumer, Isaac Ambrose, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Brooks & Octavius Winslow
Charles Spurgeon, John Gill, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, William S. Plumer, Arthur W. Pink & J. C. Ryle
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Stephen Charnock, Jeff Pollard, Benjamin B. Warfield, Jean-Marc Berthoud, Arthur W. Pink, John Owen, Richard Baxter, James Renihan & Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Arthur W. Pink, Horatius Bonar, Ebenezer Erskine, Thomas Manton & John Bunyan
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Arthur W. Pink, John Flavel, Benjamin Needler, Horatius Bonar, John Owen, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Ezekiel Hopkins, Ralph Erskine & Christopher Love
Arthur W. Pink, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Manton, Charles H. Spurgeon, Thomas Brooks, William Perkins, Jonathan Edwards & Joel Beeke
J. G. Pike, Thomas Watson, John Angell James, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Robert Murray McCheyne, Charles Walker, J. C. Ryle & Charles H. Spurgeon
John Owen, Arthur W. Pink, Octavius Winslow, Benjamin Keach, Charles H. Spurgeon, Edward Payson, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones & John C Ryle
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Isaac Ambrose, Charles Hodge, Thomas Brooks, Octavius Winslow, W. G. T. Shedd, Arthur W. Pink, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones & Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, Albert N. Martin, William S. Plumer, Thomas Manton, George Whitefield & David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Arthur W. Pink, Louis Gaussen, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Boston, Charles Hodge, Benjamin B. Warfield, Wilhelmus à Brakel, Octavius Winslow, John Murray & Carlos Spurgeon
Jeff Pollard, Arthur W. Pink, John Murray, John Gill, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, William Cunningham, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Boston & Charles H. Spurgeon
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Benjamin Beddome, Joel. R. Beeke, A.W. Pink, Thomas Watson, William S. Plumer, John Flavel & Thomas Reade
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles H. Spurgeon, Samuel Davies & Edward Payson
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
A.W. Pink, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Hugh Martin, Stephen Tyng, Charles H. Spurgeon, Stephen Charnock & Richard Barcellos
Charles H. Spurgeon, Robert Alexander Webb, John Gill, John Murray, Abraham Booth, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Dick, Octavius Winslow, John Eadie & Thomas Shaw B. Reade
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones & Voice of Hope
Arthur W. Pink, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles H. Spurgeon, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Manton, William Perkins, Jonathan Edwards & Joel. R. Beeke
Arthur W. Pink, Matthew Henry, Charles H. Spurgeon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Anthony Burgess, Thomas Smyth, Andrew Fuller & Jeremiah Burroughs
Wilhelmus à Brakel, William S. Plumer, Charles H. Spurgeon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, felipe Chavarro Polanía, Jeremiah Burroughs, Samuel Renihan, Thomas Boston & Thomas Reade
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones