Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! (Manga) Vol. 5

Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! (Manga) Vol. 5

Title: Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! (Manga) Vol. 5
Author: Ryuto & Shunichi Matsui
Release: 2023-06-27
Kind: ebook
Genre: Science Fiction Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga, Action Manga
Size: 57735120
Having won a battle for Serena, cubicle jockey turned space mercenary Hiro plots a course to a fancy resort system for a well-deserved vacation. There's no rest for warrior though, as Hiro and crew are ambushed by more pirates! Among the spoils, Hiro discovers a cold sleep pod, and within lies a beautiful noble girl! With another hapless woman falling in his lap, what's a merc to do...except perhaps take a knee and accept a knighthood?

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