The British Invasion!

The British Invasion!

Title: The British Invasion!
Author: Hervé Bourhis
Release: 2024-11-12
Kind: ebook
Genre: Art & Architecture, Books, Arts & Entertainment, Comics & Graphic Novels
Size: 80788214
A “ little square book” focused on English pop culture since 1962 when the country began its revolution! Because it was in 1962, 60 years ago, that the ‘ ole Albion, that of the monarchy, tea and crumpets and bowler hats took a resolutely modern turn, thanks to a sexy secret agent, a band from Liverpool, and a mini (skirt and car). From the eccentric to the ultra-conservative, from James Bond to AstraZeneca, from Bowie to Banksy, including After Eight and the Teletubbies, year after year, all things Brit are covered!

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