Never Lie: An Addictive Psychological Thriller by Freida McFadden Summary
"Never Lie," a psychological thriller penned by Freida McFadden in 2022, unfolds the gripping narrative of Tricia and Ethan, a married couple stranded in a remote house in upstate New York due to a snowstorm.
The house once belonged to the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Adrienne Hale, who vanished three years earlier under mysterious circumstances.
As Tricia stumbles upon a cache of secret tape recordings in Adrienne's house and begins listening to them, a web of deceit surrounding Adrienne's murder and the couple's own dark pasts gradually unravels.
Freida McFadden, a bestselling author and practicing physician with expertise in brain injury, brings her medical knowledge to bear in crafting this suspenseful tale.
The story is narrated through two alternating perspectives: Tricia's present-day account and Adrienne's recollections from the past. Transcripts of therapy sessions add depth, intertwining past and present.
Tricia and Ethan, pretending unfamiliarity with the house and its former owner, hide their own secrets, but their facades crumble as the plot thickens.
Tricia discovers Ethan's involvement in his mother's death, while her own past, including a fabricated tale of survival, is laid bare. Tricia's manipulation of events to unearth the truth tests the limits of trust and loyalty.
Three years earlier, Adrienne unearthed Tricia's truth during therapy but chose not to report her. Instead, she used Tricia to carry out her own dark deeds, leading to a chain of abductions and murders.
Tricia's return to the scene of the crimes, alongside Ethan, unveils buried secrets, leading to a gruesome discovery and a desperate bid to preserve their hidden truths.
With the revelation of Luke's presence and the grisly unveiling of Edward's fate, Tricia and Ethan find themselves confronting their darkest deeds. In a final confrontation, confessions are made, and decisions are sealed, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
In the aftermath, Tricia and Ethan seemingly settle into domesticity, yet the specter of their past deeds looms large. Tricia remains vigilant, ready to eliminate any threat to their carefully guarded secrets, echoing the chilling refrain: "The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead."
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⁃ A Detailed Introduction
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