This Is My Beloved

This Is My Beloved

Title: This Is My Beloved
Author: Lisa Smith
Release: 2024-12-20
Kind: ebook
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs, Books, Religion & Spirituality, Christianity, Religious Bios & Memoirs
Size: 606832
Christians throughout the ages have longed for a deeper, more intimate experience of Jesus' love, to connect with him in a way that is impactful, satisfying, and touches the innermost places of the heart. Many found the answer by embracing Jesus not simply as their Savior, Teacher, and Lord, but also in his biblical role as the Bridegroom of the church. This Is My Beloved helps the reader respond to the bridal love of Jesus in practical, transformative ways by offering inspiring life stories and personal writings of Christians from the past and linking their encounters with the bride's journey in the Old Testament book Song of Songs. Readers will learn to awaken their affections and satisfy some of their deepest desires by encountering profound intimacy and delightful friendship as the bride of Jesus.

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