When He Was Bad...

When He Was Bad...

Title: When He Was Bad...
Author: Jane Sullivan
Release: 2014-02-15
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance, Paranormal Romance, Military Romance, Romantic Comedies, Erotic Romance, Fiction & Literature
Size: 1168767
Psychologist Sara Davenport wrote the book on bad boys. Literally. When her publicist arranges for her to speak on Nick Chandler's radio show, Sara quickly refuses. But going head-to-head with the famous bad boy would be great for sales. Besides, she can handle Nick, right? If she could only stop wishing he'd handle her!

Sparring with Dr. Davenport has been great, but Nick wants more. Yeah, he came on a bit strong when they first met, but once Sara gets to know him… Of course, seducing the woman who's sworn off bad boys would only prove to his listeners—and the uptight doctor— just how good he can be….

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