Tomorrow...Come Soon

Tomorrow...Come Soon

Title: Tomorrow...Come Soon
Author: Satomi Tsuya & Jessica Steele
Release: 2013-11-15
Kind: ebook
Genre: Josei Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga, Romance Manga
Size: 72527425
After a successful surgery overseas, Devon is finally able to walk normally for the first time since her accident. She bursts through the door joyfully on her return home, but a harsh reality is waiting to greet her. Her father embezzled money in order to come up with the funds for Devon’s hefty medical bills, and his crime has been discovered. Devon pleads with Grant, the CEO of her father’s company, to offer her father a second chance. Grant knew nothing about Devon’s medical condition and refuses to believe her when she explains her circumstances. Grant assumes that Devon is just promiscuous and spoiled, and his offer to her is thoroughly degrading: “If you agree to be my lover until I get bored of you, I’ll consider reinstating your father.".

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