

Title: Angelology
Author: Ken Chant
Release: 2015-01-29
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books
Size: 324475
You are about to begin a fascinating adventure: a quest to penetrate the veil, to step into another dimension, to learn what is happening in the world of spirits.

Our quest is in two sections, the first (this book) deals with the kingdom of light, and the second (my book Demonology) with the kingdom of darkness. You will find familiar things here; you may also find things that startle and amaze you. Unless you are already full of knowledge, I am sure the following pages will enrich your understanding of the place occupied by angels and demons in God's world. Even well-informed students may find themselves encountering here some new ideas, some new ways of looking at the realm of both good and evil spirits.

You will find no anecdotes about angels or demons, except those that come out of the Bible. I have refrained from building doctrine either on my own experiences or those of others. Other books that I have read about the subject abound in such stories, but I find many of them unconvincing.

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children for ever". (De 29:29)

Let God keep secret what he pleases; let us be content with what he reveals