The Brotherhood (Unabridged)

The Brotherhood (Unabridged)

Title: The Brotherhood (Unabridged)
Author: Michael Keegan
Release: 2016-07-19
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Fiction
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The Brotherhood (Unabridged) Michael Keegan
The roads of 2044 America are a dangerous and deadly place. With society in ruins from two wars, a forced famine, and political ineptness, America (as well as much of the civilized world) has fallen a few notches closer to total anarchy. Here at home, bandits roam the lonely interstates, preying on the unprepared and less fortunate.

But, despite all of this, there is a light at the end of the dark, lonely tunnel. Well, two lights actually.

Those are the headlights of a semi, hauling the desperately needed supplies to one of the few pockets of humanity that still cling to yesterday and a bygone era. Its sleek lines and armored bulk assure you that as long as you stay close, within the umbrella protection of the massive guns slung in turrets along its roof, you just might make it. For you are as precious a cargo as any box of toys or toiletries. You are under the watchful eyes of a devoted and stalwart member of The Brotherhood.

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Michael Keegan