Cat Girls and Magi-Bubble: An Infinity Chronicles Tale (Unabridged)

Cat Girls and Magi-Bubble: An Infinity Chronicles Tale (Unabridged)

Title: Cat Girls and Magi-Bubble: An Infinity Chronicles Tale (Unabridged)
Author: Michael Keegan
Release: 2017-12-18
Kind: audiobook
Genre: Erotica
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Cat Girls and Magi-Bubble: An Infinity C Michael Keegan
Neena and Daniella, two friends from way back, work for a local lingerie shop in downtown Springfield. During a visit to the local mall, Neena meets a vendor selling what has to be the best bubblegum she's ever seen. Kids blowing beachball (and bigger!) bubbles. That weekend, she drags her friend Dani to the mall and that's when the adventure begins.

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Michael Keegan