Title | : | Fifty Shades of August: 50 of the best poems about the month of August |
Author | : | William Wordsworth, Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Nashe, Radclyffe Hall, Charlotte Mew, Isaac Rosenberg, Henry Baker, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Hafiz, Richard Le Gallienne & John Keats |
Release | : | 2019-01-01 |
Kind | : | audiobook |
Genre | : | Fiction |
Preview Intro | |||
1 | Fifty Shades of August: 50 of the best p | William Wordsworth, Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Nashe, Radclyffe Hall, Charlotte Mew, Isaac Rosenberg, Henry Baker, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Hafiz, Richard Le Gallienne & John Keats |
The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar brings summer to a close, at least on our calendars. Nature will continue with her wise and infinite ways regardless of our need to keep a count of where we expect her to be. Summer with its heat, its holidays has a lung-bursting capacity to energise our thoughts, our ambitions and our contentment. 1 - Fifty Shades of August - An Introduction 2 - Stanzas For the First of August by James Monroe Whitfield 3 - Hymn For the First of August by John Pierpoint 4 - An Hymn to the Morning by Phyllis Wheatley 5 - Sonnet XLII To GWC August 1st 1846 by Christopher Pearse Cranch 6 - An August Evening, 1865 by Carolyn Clive 7 - As Kingfishers Catch Fire by Gerard Manley Hopkins 8 - The 4th of August by Laurence Binyon 9 - August Afternoon by Laurence Binyon 10 - To Mrs Jane Forster, on Her Birthday, August 4th 1724 by Henry Baker 11 - Composed Near Calais, August 7th 1802 by William Wordsworth 12 - Grant at Rest August 8th 1885 by James Whitcomb Riley 13 - I H B Died August 11th 1898 by William Winter 14 - August 1865 by Carolyn Clive 15 - August 19th 1830 by Henry Alford 16 - August 1914 by Isaac Rosenberg 17 - August the 22nd 1830 by Henry Alford 18 - Calais August 1802 by William Wordsworth 19 - Memorials of a Tour in Scotland August 1803 by William Wordsworth 20 - Lines Written in August by Thomas Babbington Macaulay 21 - The Winds Tidings in August 1870 by Augusta Davies Webster 22 - Love and Death by Ernest Radford 23 - August by Algernon Charles Swinburne 24 - At Sundown by Daniel Sheehan 25 - August by James Whitcomb Riley 26 - After Sunset by William Allingham 27 - In the Fields by Charlotte Mew 28 - Evening by Paul Laurence Dunbar 29 - A Summer Evening Churchyard by Percy Bsysshe Shelley 30 - August Moonrise by Sara Teasdale 31 - An August Night by Radclyffe Hall 32 - Moonlight Summer Moonlight by Emily Jane Bronte 33 - From Piccadilly In August by John Freeman 34 - An August Midnight by Thomas Hardy 35 - The Summer Rain by Henry David Thoreau 36 - Snake by D H Lawrence 37 - Sonnet LIII, August by Christopher Pearse Cranch 38 - The Awakening River by Katherine Mansfield 39 - Seashore by Tagore 40 - The Mocking Bird by Timothy Thomas Fortune 41 - Indian Summer by Henry Van Dyke 42 - Indian Summer by Sara Teasdale 43 - An Indian Summer Day on the Prairie by Vachel Lindsay 44 - Summer Song by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 45 - A Draught of Sunshine by John Keats 46 - The Rose Has Flushed Red by Hafiz 47 - The Rose Has Left the Garden by Richard Le Gallienne 48 - Tis the Last Rose of Summer by Thomas Moore 49 - Summer is Ended by Christina Rossetti 50 - Fair Summer Droops From Summer's Last Will and Testament by Thomas Nashe 51 - L' Envoi (An Extract) by Rudyard Kipling |